Re: ISSUE-116 (axiomatictriples): Should Axiomatic Triples added to OWL-R Full?

I second.

OWL Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
> ISSUE-116 (axiomatictriples): Should Axiomatic Triples added to OWL-R Full?
> Raised by: Ivan Herman
> On product: 
> The current OWL-R-Full does not include 'axiomatic triples' to be added to the resulting graph. What I mean is to add triples like
> (owl:FunctionalProperty,rdfs:subClassOf,rdf:Property)
> (rdfs:subPropertyOf,rdfs:domain,rdf:Property)
> etc. See for the RDF Semantics for a bunch of those in RDFS, and Horst's paper on pD* for their OWL equivalents. 
> See also the thread of discussion starting at:

Received on Wednesday, 9 April 2008 12:38:44 UTC