Re: roll call from F2F2

[still brainstorming about meeting-support tools]

> Sandro Hawke wrote:
> >> Sandro Hawke wrote:
> > Now that we're recording positions on each resolution (via irc), this
> > may not matter in the same way.  
> I noted with amusement that some of the tidying up was reordering such 
> irc votes - for example, sometimes people vote before a proposal is 
> asked or after it is declared resolved ... and it looks better if the 
> minutes have the votes between the proposal and the resolution!
> But still there is a difference between silence and absence.

My point is that such difference should be caught at the time.  We
should not go to RESOLVED until everyone Present has voted, or the chair
rules specifically that we'll proceed without hearing from them
(presumably for a noted reason).

I'm reminded of (if not particularly worried about) how voting systems
sometimes get abused. [1]

        -- Sandro


Received on Tuesday, 8 April 2008 16:28:42 UTC