Axiomatic triples in OWL-R-Full?

(This may have to be raised as a more formal ISSUE. Also: it is _not_ my 
intention to get this problem solved before the upcoming publication round!)

The current OWL-R-Full does not include 'axiomatic triples' to be added 
to the resulting graph. What I mean is to add triples like


etc. See for the RDF Semantics for a bunch of those in RDFS, and Horst's 
paper on pD* for their OWL equivalents.

I am not saying we must have those; this is clearly touching upon the 
issue whether the core RDF/RDFS/OWL vocabulary is an object of discourse 
or not in OWL-R-Full. We _could_ therefore, explicitly say that those 
axiomatic triples are not defined in OWL-R-Full. That would mean that 
some (valid) RDFS or OWL Full entailements are not meaningful in 
OWL-R-Full, ie, OWL-R is also defined as a syntactic restriction v.a.v. 
OWL 2 Full and not only OWL 2 DL.

Again, I am not saying this is wrong. But the decision should be made 
explicitly and documented in the profile document as well. 
Alternatively, we could add those axiomatic triples for OWL-R-Full (but 
then the relationship between OWL-R-Full and OWL-R-DL becomes less clear...)



Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Wednesday, 9 April 2008 09:33:50 UTC