references to OWL 2 Syntax

I don't think "OWL 2 Specification" is a very good way to refer to "OWL
2 Web Ontology Language: Structural Specification and Functional-Style
Syntax".  That seems to suggest, to me, that the document is the
specification of OWL....  Can we just call it "OWL 2 Syntax"?  That's
not a great name, either, since it's only one of several OWL 2 Syntaxes,
but ....  I guess "OWL 2 SSFSS" at least isn't misleading (since it's not
"leading" at all).  Oh well, I guess we'll sort this out later.

     -- Sandro

Received on Monday, 7 April 2008 17:23:08 UTC