Re: [ontolex] Modellin collocations

Dear John, Julia, All,

@John: so yes, I can add the information to the component (stating that 
it is accusative and plural). But at the same time there is a kind a 
prescriptive information: "živali" has to be accusative and plural 
(similar to the example given by Julia for /estación de autobuses/ 
(thanks Julia for extending the language scope :-)), as there is no 
hospital for just one animal, child, person etc. The form restriction is 
here not on the full MWE but only on the third component ("živali").



Am 11.07.2019 um 18:16 schrieb John P. McCrae:
> Hi Thierry, Julia, all,
> I think this is what the decomp module does:
> The example given there is the Spanish 'comunidad autonoma', where the 
> adjective 'autonomo' has a feminine agreement. The modelling is done 
> by adding LexInfo properties to the component.
> This is different from FormRestrictions, which also limit the meaning 
> of a word to only applying to certain forms, e.g., 'goods' is only 
> used in the plural. In "bolnišnica za živali", I assume the head 
> (bolnišnica) is free to take any number or case and hence there is no 
> lexico-semantic restriction on the multiword expression.
> Regards,
> John
> On Thu, 11 Jul 2019 at 17:02, Julia Bosque Gil < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Hi Thierry,
>     If I understood this right, in this case we are not dealing with
>     morpho-syntactic features of an entry when used in a specific
>     |ontolex:LexicalSense| (we would use |lexicog:FormRestriction| in
>     that case), but you just want to indicate that /živali/ in /za
>     živali/ (in the MW /bolnišnica za živali/ ) must be in accusative
>     plural. If that is the case,  I am wondering whether here we could
>     just indicate that the second decomp:subterm of /bolnišnica za
>     živali/ is the lexical entry /za/, and describe that preposition
>     by indicating that it assigns accusative case to its nominal
>     complements. At first it looks like the fact that /živali/ is in
>     accusative plural depends mostly on the use of /za/ (?). If so,
>     the restriction on *case* we are referring to is not particular to
>     this MW,  but concerns the grammar of prepositions. For
>     /bolnišnica za živali/ a potential way of encoding this
>     information would be to list the components in order and indicate
>     at the :za lexical entry level that it requires accusative (or
>     turning to the synsem module to specify a lexinfo:NounPPFrame to
>     record that /bolnišnica /takes a PP headed by a /:za/ marker).
>     I am struggling with the *plural* feature and where to record
>     this, though: in Spanish,/estación de autobuses/ (bus station)
>     requires plural in /autobuses (?? estación de autobús)/, but
>     /parada de autobús /(bus stop) is used in both singular and
>     plural, probably because of the difference between a "station"
>     (always for more than one bus line) and a "stop" (for at least one
>     bus line). So I agree there should be a mechanism to represent
>     that /bolnišnica /takes a za PP with a noun in plural, maybe this
>     would be information to address with synsem elements, as well?/
>     /
>     What do you think?
>     Best,
>     Julia
>     El jue., 11 jul. 2019 a las 14:47, Thierry Declerck
>     (< <>>) escribió:
>         Dear All,
>         I had just some sessions with Simon Krek on Slovenian
>         Collocations/MWE
>         and how to represent those in OntoLex-Lemon.
>         I think for most of the data we have good solutions.
>         Only a bit unclear to me how to model restrictions that are to be
>         applied on a Collocation/MWE. An example is the expression
>         "Hospital for
>         Animals" (bolnišnica za živali {@slv}).
>         On the third component of this expression there is a form
>         restriction:
>         it should be used only in accusative and plural.
>         I would ot use the restriction mechanism described in Lexicog,
>         but then
>         the domain of the property would be a decomp:Component (and
>         the range is
>         a form, as foreseen)
>         Another thing that could be useful: define the restrictions
>         independently of a specific form. It would just list the two
>         relevant
>         aspect here: plural and accusative. Then we would need a
>         mechamis that
>         goes from the lemma to the corresponding form (the lemma, or
>         headword,
>         is given by the decomp:subterm property.
>         Cheers
>         Thierry
>     -- 
>     Julia Bosque Gil
>     PhD Student
>     Ontology Engineering Group <>
>     Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
>     Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Thierry Declerck
Senior Consultant at DFKI GmbH, Multilinguality and Language Technology
Stuhlsatzenhausweg, 3
D-66123 Saarbruecken
Phone: +49 681 / 857 75-53 58
Fax: +49 681 / 857 75-53 38

Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH
Trippstadter Strasse 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany

Prof. Dr. Jana Koehler (Vorsitzende)
Dr. Walter Olthoff

Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes
Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern, HRB 2313

Received on Saturday, 13 July 2019 09:55:11 UTC