Re: Summary of Telco 07.02.2014

Dear John,

Thanks for the summary (Philipp, do not stay away... we missed you... ;)).

Regarding the Translation part, I think we had a nice discussion, but we 
need to work a little bit more on that.
I tend to think of Term Variants as within the same language 
(intra-lingua), and Translations between languages (inter-lingua). For 
this reason, I am not so sure I would like to consider Translation a 
Term Variant, but I will further think about it... :)

In a paper we at UPM just got accepted at the LREC conference, we were 
proposing 3 different types of *translation equivalents*.

 1. *direct equivalent *(what people normally understad as "pure
    translation"): The two terms describe semantically equivalent
    entities that refer to entities that exist in both cultures and
    languages. E.g. surrogate mother, madre de alquiler, mère porteuse.
    It is true that they could further be considered *dimensional
    variants*, since each language/culture emphasizes a different aspect
    of the concept.
 2. *cultural equivalent*: Typically, the two terms describe entities
    that are not semantically but pragmatically equivalent, since they
    describe similar situations in different cultures and languages.
    E.g., “Ecole Normal” (FR)  “Teachers college” (EN). The Prime
    Minister and Busdeskanzler example would also be valid here. And I
    think this is the type of *link or cross-lingual alignment you would
    use in **Interlingual Indexes for WordNets when no "direct
    equivalent" in available*.
 3. *lexical equivalent*: It is said of those terms in different
    languages that usually point to the same entity, but one of the
    verbalizes the original term by using target language words. E.g.,
    “Ecole Normal” (FR)  “(French) Normal School” (EN). The concept of
    Normal School does not exist in England, but English people have
    verbalized it in English.

Does it make sense?
We will also work on this and update the wiki with examples/code 
Have a nice weekend!

El 07/02/2014 16:59, Philipp Cimiano escribió:
> Dear all,
> very nice, it seems that the telco was very productive without me, I 
> should consider staying away now and then ;-)
> I will work this into the current document next week.
> Best regards,
> Philipp.
> Am 07.02.14 16:29, schrieb John P. McCrae:
>> Hi all,
>> So today at the telco we had myself, Paul, Francesca, Elena and Lupe.
>> We discussed based on Philipp's proposal
>>     I propose we go with the following four variants + translation:
>>     1) FormVariant: Relation between two forms of one lexical entry
>>     2) LexicalVariant: Relation between two lexical entries that are
>>     related by some well-defined string-operation (e.g. creating an
>>     initialism like in FAO)
>>     3) TerminlogicalVariant: Relation between two lexical senses
>>     (with the same reference) of two lexical entries; the lexical
>>     entries are thus uniquely determined; the senses might have
>>     different contextual and pragmatic conditions (register, etc.)
>>     4) SemanticVariant: As 3) Relation between senses with references
>>     that are ontologically related, either by subsumption or are
>>     children of a common superconcept (see my paella and risotto example)
>>     5) Translation: As with 3), but involving entries from different
>>     languages.
>>     So we would have one relation between forms (FormVariant), one
>>     relation between lexical entries (LexicalVariant), and three
>>     relations at the sense level (TerminologicalVariant,
>>     SemanticVariant and Translation).
>>     We might think about introducing a SenseRelation as a superclass
>>     of TerminologicalVariant, SemanticVariant and Translation.
>>     Hypernym and Hyponym would also be a SenseRelation in this sense.
>> The discussion was as follows:
>> *
>> *
>> *Form variants*: We discussed the need to distinguish form 
>> (inflectional) variants as opposed to lexical (entry) variants. The 
>> primary reason for this was to separate variation between 
>> LexicalEntrys and Form (as defined in the core). It was felt that the 
>> distinction between form and lexical variant was too fine-grained and 
>> that the modelling of this as variants is probably not appropriate. 
>> For example, if we consider
>> :Cat a LexicalEntry
>>   ontolex:canonicalForm :Cat#CanonicalForm (writtenRep "cat"@eng),
>>   ontolex:otherForm :Cat#PluralForm  (writtenRep "cats"@eng) .
>> Then modelling the relationship as
>> :Cat#CanonicalForm ontolex:plural :Cat#PluralForm
>> is inferior to (especially in the case that there are large number of 
>> inflections of a single lemma, such as an Italian verb)
>> :Cat#CanonicalForm ontolex:number ontolex:singular .
>> :Cat#PluralForm ontolex:number ontolex:plural .
>> For these reasons, it was preferred not to introduce form variants
>> *Term(inological)Variants/SemanticVariant: *We agreed with the idea 
>> of introducing a superclass SenseRelation subsuming both TermVariants 
>> and SemanticVariants as follows
>>   * TermVariants have the same reference (e.g., diachronic, diatopic
>>     etc.)
>>   * SemanticVariants have different references (e.g., antonymy,
>>     "similar", (maybe?) hypernymy)
>> It was also suggested to shorten the name TerminologicalVariant to 
>> TermVariant
>> *Translation: *We discussed the idea of distinguishing between 
>> (Lemma/Term) *Translation* and *Culturally-Equivalent Translation *by 
>> saying *Translation * is a *TermVariant * and *Culturally-Equivalent 
>> Translation* is a *Semantic Variant.*
>> It was suggested that we consider introducing a class 
>> *MultilingualVariant** subsuming *Translation *and*C.E.T. *and 
>> subsumed by *SenseRelation, *for relations between languages, this 
>> would also include broader/narrower cross-lingual alignments as used 
>> in Interlingual Indexes for WordNets etc.
>> * or cross-lingual variant or inter-lingual variant
>> I attach a diagram to show the proposal
>> Regards,
>> John
> -- 
> Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano
> Phone: +49 521 106 12249
> Fax: +49 521 106 12412
> Forschungsbau Intelligente Systeme (FBIIS)
> Raum 2.307
> Universität Bielefeld
> Inspiration 1
> 33619 Bielefeld

Elena Montiel-Ponsoda
Ontology Engineering Group (OEG)
Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos
Campus de Montegancedo s/n
Boadilla del Monte-28660 Madrid, España
Tel. (+34) 91 336 36 70
Fax  (+34) 91 352 48 19

Received on Friday, 7 February 2014 16:28:03 UTC