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public-mlw-workshop@w3.org from January to March 2013
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16 messages
Monday, 4 February 2013 13:35:27 UTC,
Thursday, 21 March 2013 20:01:28 UTC
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ESWC 2013: Call for Participation
Philipp Cimiano
(Thursday, 21 March)
Links to slides
Arle Lommel
(Friday, 15 March)
Low-res video streams from the Workshop
Arle Lommel
(Friday, 15 March)
RE: Low-res video streams from the Workshop
Pablo Nieto Caride
(Friday, 15 March)
(Friday, 15 March)
Missing presentation from Multilingual Web Workshop
Arle Lommel
(Friday, 15 March)
Information about the "Best practices for Multilingual Linked Open Data (BP-MLOD)" session at MLW Rome workshop - today, see http://www.multilingualweb.eu/documents/rome-workshop/rome-program
Felix Sasaki
(Wednesday, 13 March)
Important information for Rome MultilingualWeb workshop participants and poster presenters
Felix Sasaki
(Monday, 11 March)
Clarification (Re: Important information for Rome MultilingualWeb workshop participants and poster presenters)
Felix Sasaki
(Monday, 11 March)
Missing the first day ( at least )
Serge Gladkoff
(Monday, 11 March)
Printing in Rome
Arle Lommel
(Monday, 11 March)
Reminder for speakers at the MultilingualWeb Workshop
Arle Lommel
(Thursday, 7 March)
Logistics for MultilingualWeb Workshop
Arle Lommel
(Tuesday, 5 March)
Logistics for MultilingualWeb Workshop
Arle Lommel
(Monday, 4 March)
Registration for the 6th MultilingualWeb Workshop closing early (Feb 27)
Arle Lommel
(Friday, 22 February)
Information on photos for Rome workshop
Arle Lommel
(Monday, 4 February)
Last message date
: Thursday, 21 March 2013 20:01:28 UTC