Information about the "Best practices for Multilingual Linked Open Data (BP-MLOD)" session at MLW Rome workshop - today, see

Requirements Gathering: Best practices for Multilingual Linked Open 
Data (BP-MLOD), as part of the W3C Multilingual Web Workshop, Rome, 
Co-Chairs: Dominic Jones (Trinity College Dublin), Jose E. Labra 
(University of Oviedo), Jorge Gracia (Universidad Politécnica de 
Moderators: Dominic Jones, Jorge Gracia

Please follow the online session / output via the following google doc:

Across a number of talks, over the last few years, the concept of Best 
Practices for Multilingual Linked Open Data (BP-MLOD) has re-appeared 
time and time again. As part of the W3C Multilingual Web Workshop, Rome, 
2013, a breakout session will be held with the specific task of 
gathering a common set of requirements for implementing best practices 
in MLOD. The target for this session is to crowd-source ideas from the 
community regarding BP-MLOD. A number of short, lightning presentations 
will be given, followed by an open discussion with a shared common 
output. A high level overview of this output will be presented back to 
the MLW community during the conference. The aim, post-conference, being 
to produce and publish (via the W3C Multilingual Web portal a reference white paper based on the output of 
the breakout session.
Topics for Discussion include:
 • Resource naming: Opaque URIs, meaningful URIs, IRIs in MLOD.
 • Labelling and multilingual lexical information.
 • Multilingual vocabularies: Internationalization and localization of 
 • Particularities of non-western languages.
 • MLOD and localization applied across workflows and different 

The structure of the session will be a number of 5 minute talks each 
presenting high-level ideas, concepts and discussion points. The idea is 
that speakers present their own views, targeted at developing a 
discussion around BP-MLOD. Slides will be automatically timed and the 
discussion will be purposefully high level. Eight speakers will present 
their views, these being:
 • Gordon Dunsire, “Multilingual bibliographic standards in RDF: the 
IFLA experience”, Independent Consultant; Chair of IFLA Namespaces 
Technical Group
 • Ivan Herman, “Towards Multilingual Data on the Web?” Semantic Web 
Activity Lead, W3C.
 • Jose E. Labra, “Patterns for Multilingual LOD: an overview”, 
University of Oviedo, Asturias, Spain.
 • Dave Lewis, “XLIFF workflow and Multilingual Provenance in Linked 
Data”, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
 • Charles McCathie Nevile, Web Standards, Yandex.
 • Roberto Navigli, "BabelNet: a multilingual encyclopedic dictionary 
as LOD", Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
 • Haofen Wang, “The state of the art of Chinese LOD development”, APEX 
labs, China
 • Daniel Vila, “Naming and Labeling Ontologies in the Multilingual 
Web”, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain.

Following on from the presentations a high level overview of the topics 
and discussion will be formed in a shared document. Contributions from 
attendees, not just speakers, are a very important part of this process. 
Speakers provide the starting point for a continued audience-led 
discussion. This discussion will form the basis for a presentation back 
to the MLW community and subsequent publication as a white paper on the 
Multilingual Web homepage. Contributors will be invited to have on-going 
input into the publication process.

Attendance at the breakout session is included as part of the 
registration for the Multilingual Web Workshop via the main workshop 
webpage: For 
more information on the session please contact

Received on Wednesday, 13 March 2013 10:10:19 UTC