Re: Terminology: fragment identifier part of an URI?

Dear Sami, Silvia,

>> According to RFC 3986, the term "URI" does not include relative
>> references. In this document, we want to cover both, URIs and relative
>> references. This requires us to use the term "URI reference" according
>> to RC 3986. For simplicity reasons, this document, however, only uses
>> the term 'media fragment URI' in place of 'media fragment URI
>> reference'.
> This sounds good to me :)

Thanks for your comment and the discussion.
@Silvia: I slightly changed your paragraph and updated correspondingly 
the latest editor's draft:

"According to RFC 3986, the term "URI" does not include relative
references. In this document, we consider both URIs and relative
references. Consequently, we use the term "URI reference" as defined in 
RFC 3986 (section 4.1). For simplicity reasons, this document, however, 
only uses the term "media fragment URI" in place of "media fragment URI



Raphaël Troncy
EURECOM, Multimedia Communications Department
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Received on Wednesday, 28 April 2010 12:30:11 UTC