Re: Terminology: fragment identifier part of an URI?

2010/4/28 Raphaël Troncy <>:
> Dear Sami, Silvia,
>>> According to RFC 3986, the term "URI" does not include relative
>>> references. In this document, we want to cover both, URIs and relative
>>> references. This requires us to use the term "URI reference" according
>>> to RC 3986. For simplicity reasons, this document, however, only uses
>>> the term 'media fragment URI' in place of 'media fragment URI
>>> reference'.
>> This sounds good to me :)
> Thanks for your comment and the discussion.
> @Silvia: I slightly changed your paragraph and updated correspondingly the
> latest editor's draft:
> "According to RFC 3986, the term "URI" does not include relative
> references. In this document, we consider both URIs and relative
> references. Consequently, we use the term "URI reference" as defined in RFC
> 3986 (section 4.1). For simplicity reasons, this document, however, only
> uses the term "media fragment URI" in place of "media fragment URI
> reference"."

OK, cool, no worries.

How is WWW Conf?


Received on Wednesday, 28 April 2010 12:52:19 UTC