from March 2015 by subject

Call for Exclusions: Linked Data Patch Format

Comm for the LDP workshop.

Comments #2 on Primer

Comments on Primer

describedby registration

LD Patch test suite (was Re: LDP WG agenda for 30 March 2015)

LDP agenda for 16 March 2015

LDP Minutes for 2 March 2015

LDP Primer (was Re: LDP WG agenda for 30 March 2015)

LDP WG agenda for 30 March 2015

LDP WG minutes for 16 March 2015

LDP Workshop

ldp-ACTION-155: Ask about no-change proposal in response to i18n white space (now just the big 4)

ldp-ACTION-156: Change reference to "bcp47 [ref], as used by turtle [ref]â??, based on i18n-issue-410

ldp-ACTION-157: Ask about no-change proposal in response to string-matching/collation in ldp patch

ldp-ACTION-158: Address the issues mentioned in the Sandro's feedback

ldp-ACTION-159: Fix the single quotes in Link headers in LDP Primer examples

ldp-ACTION-160: Point eric franzon/tony shaw to linked data 2015 meeting 21 april --

More comments on Primer

no meeting today, time shift next week

Query Verb Proposal

Regrets for today...

Last message date: Monday, 30 March 2015 20:19:31 UTC