Re: Accessibility Task Force


I'm confused by some of the wording in the HTML/PF joint TF proposal:


In the proposal, the TF's list of deliverables includes "committing spec
edits of HTML." Yet it also states that the TF is to be advisory:

> The Task Force does not, however, represent consensus[...] All output
> of the Task Force should be considered as proposals, subject to
> vetting and modification by the WG receiving the proposal.

This is point #6 of the outline Paul posted earlier:

> 6. TF would not make final decisions which would be made by HTML
> and/or PF WGs

Given the advisory nature of the TF, I'm assuming "commiting spec edits
of HTML" is supposed to mean something like "proposing spec edits to
the HTML WG," but that's not how I originally read it, and perhaps
others were confused by this too. Could this text be made more clear
before it makes its way into the official TF charter?



Received on Thursday, 10 September 2009 23:05:02 UTC