RE: Accessibility Task Force

>From the Sep 3 HTML WG minutes: 

>mjs: chairs will be together face-to-face tomorrow, and this can be
>   among what we discuss
>   ... anybody have comments to make about this on the call today?
>   ... not seeing any comments, propose we move to next agenda item

The HTML WG chairs and W3C Team did discuss this topic last Friday and came up with the following outline for a joint Accessibility TF:

Accessibility TF:
 1. Any WG member from either the HTML or PF WGs can join (opt in model)
 2. Separate email list for TF (email address TBD).
 3. Both WGs would be obligated re Patent Policy on any W3C Recommendation track document that is impacted by the TF work.
 4. The Patent Policy obligations would be mentioned in the Status section of said documents.
 5. TF would have a separate meeting slot (day and time TBD).
 6. TF would not make final decisions which would be made by HTML and/or PF WGs
 7. Someone from each WG would be designated to report back to their WG on the work of the TF.
 8. Facilitators of the TF would be selected jointly by PF and HTML WG chairs. 

Discussion on this matter ended with Philippe taking the following Action Item:

ACTION ITEM: Philippe is going to look into some questions we have about how the W3C Patent Policy obligations would apply to a joint TF.

Comments on the above outline are welcome.


Paul Cotton, Microsoft Canada
17 Eleanor Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K2E 6A3
Tel: (425) 705-9596 Fax: (425) 936-7329

Received on Wednesday, 9 September 2009 16:19:19 UTC