Issue-72: Microdata/RDFa: Chairs Solicit *COUNTER* proposals

Current status is that we have a Working Group draft that contains 
Microdata in the HTML5 specification, and a Change Proposal to split 
Microdata out into a separate document:

The current draft was produced before we instituted the current process 
requiring rationale in commit messages, so if there are anybody who 
prefers the draft as it is (or even wants to make a different Change 
Proposal), what we need is a Change Proposal (possibly with "zero edits" 
as the Proposal Details), but with similar level of detail in the other 
sections to what Manu produced.

If none is provided by December 2nd, we proceed with a Call for 
Consensus on Manu's Change Proposal.

- Sam Ruby

Received on Monday, 26 October 2009 19:24:43 UTC