Re: Shrinking HTML5 some more — Anne’s Weblog

Sam Ruby wrote:
> ...
> If somebody were able to convince Martin of the need for a revision, or 
> were to step forward and credibly indicate that they were willing to 
> take on the entire job, I'm confident that the approach advocated by 
> Larry would be adopted.
> ...

Do we have a list of things that we think *need* to be revised?

> At the moment, DanC is focusing on a task that he feels that he can 
> handle, namely the definition of a new concept that is layered on top of 
> the IRI specification.
> ...

Which I think is the right approach to handle non-IRI characters (such 
as SP, or brackets).

> ...

BR, Julian

Received on Saturday, 28 March 2009 12:17:46 UTC