Re: ACTION-95, ISSUE-65: Plan to publish a new WD of HTML-5

At 12:00 PM 1/29/2009 +0100, Håkon Wium Lie wrote:
>Also sprach Murray Maloney:
>  > I think that you are making the point that you have a bad
>  > experience synchronizing between two separate formatting language
>  > working groups with different processing models and fiercely
>  > independent chairs, and that your experience should inform us all.
>  > Is that it?
>Essentially, yes -- although the chairs were co-operative and the
>differences in processing model is irrelevant wrt. naming properties
>and values.

We have differing recollections about the co-operativeness of the chairs
-- perhaps you are suffering from being too close to see. I recall that the
processing model differences were a source of division and contention
from the start. A little bit of co-operation goes a long way, but co-operation
is most effective when it is reciprocated regularly. You should try sometime.

>  > I don't recall being party to the formatting property name
>  > discussions in CSS/XSL WGs. I'm sorry for your troubles. Here's
>  > hoping things work out better in the future.
>It's not my personal peace of mind you should be worried about -- it's
>the success of future specifications. W3C's experiment with having two
>normative specifications describing the same formatting properties has
>not been successful and I've seen no evidence why things would go
>better this time.

I think that you have made your point. Repetition of your argument does
not convince me -- it never has. We do not see eye to eye.

Received on Thursday, 29 January 2009 15:32:29 UTC