Re: An HTML language specification vs. a browser specification

OK, we have enough agreement for there to be
no real benefit in pursuing any points of
difference, but I would like clarification
on one thing : where you write

> The relevance of the work Ian did and does in the WHAT WG is also
> noted in our charter:
> "The HTML Working Group will actively pursue convergence with WHATWG,
> encouraging open participation within the bounds of the W3C patent
> policy and available resources."
>  --

Yes, I can see that this is the case, but
at the bottom of the Charter document, it says

> $Revision: 1.23 $ of $Date: 2008/09/05 07:12:49 $

How does one find earlier revisions, and are
there "differences" documents indicating what
has been changed.  And on what basis is the
Charter changed, and have there been 23
individual changes or 2 major with three
minor to the most recent major ?


Received on Tuesday, 18 November 2008 23:17:55 UTC