- From: Dmitry Turin <html60@narod.ru>
- Date: Wed, 05 Nov 2008 16:14:25 +0300
- To: public-html@w3.org
Hi, all. Additional changes in 60&50 projects. ===terms master table is table, to primary key of which this (slave) table refers (terms "master" and "slave" are used only for MTD). if master table is not represented in the same html-document, where slave is (created by "select '<table name="A">'"), then new separate browser window will appear, and content of master table will shown in it. master and slave table must be bound by only one foreing key in database. ===50 corrections in regard to http://sql50.euro.ru/sql5.16.4.pdf (slide #31-32, 39(Another output), 40) ... *) by bament <?new/?> (to inform client, e.g. browser, about end of parcel [sent by MTD] and end of document [sent by "select * from A"] ) ... -- in regard to http://html60.euro.ru/site/html60/en/author/forxml_eng.htm http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-forms/current-work/#the-output http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2007May/0173.html DBMS creates separete CSS-file "username.css" for each user "username" in local (for DBMS) directory. table fields are specified as ¶fieldname in it instead of §fieldname, because DBMS does not know, what fields are service (like @colspan, @rowspan) or are values of properties (like in http://html60.euro.ru/site/html60/en/author/chart_eng.htm), and what fields contain data for visualization - so mark ¶ acts like comment for this xml-attribute all master tables are specified for each slave table in it, i.e. if database table "S" refers to database tables "M", "N", "P", then the following lines are in CSS table[name=M] { online:yes } table[name=N] { online:yes } table[name=P] { online:yes } table[name=S] { online:yes; master:M N P } all slave tables are specified for each master table after last column table[name=M] ¶m20::after { online:yes; slave:S1; } table[name=M] ¶m20::after::after { online:yes; slave:S2; } table[name=M] ¶m20::after::after::after { online:yes; slave:S3; } table[name=M][_] ¶m20::after { content:"s1_fk_comment" } table[name=M][_] ¶m20::after::after { content:"s2_fk_comment" } table[name=M][_] ¶m20::after::after::after { content:"s3_fk_comment" } all accessable database fields (for user "username") are listed in this file for select * from tab; except fields, which are primary keys in database, and which are always specified (and never ignored) as invisible ¶pk { display: none} if user can update database field, than corresponding xml-attribute will be specified as re-writable t { display: table-row } ¶t1, ¶t2, ¶t3 { display: table-cell input} /* read-write */ if user cannot update database field REVOKE update ON t FOR user1; then corresponding xml-attribute will be specified as read-only t { display: table-row } ¶t1, ¶t2, ¶t3 { display: table-cell } /* read only */ Fields, calculated upon other fields and don't saved really, specified in CSS as calculated via @onforminput, implemented in browser property (pay attention at "§" inside braces) ¶t1 { onforminput="value=§t2.value*§t3.value" } CSS-files are available for editing for DBMS administrator. DBMS does not re-write corrections, made manually. ===50 --other SQL5 additions accepting bament <?commit/?> DBMS commits current transaction to point of previous 'select ...' ===60 correction in regard to http://html60.euro.ru/site/html60/en/author/looker_eng.htm http://sql50.euro.ru/site/sql50/en/author/mtd_eng.htm instead of <table name="M" action="./scriptM.cgi" portion="50" visual="20" id="id1"> <table name="S" action="./scriptS.cgi" portion="40" visual="10" master="id1"> ... table[name=M] { online:yes; portion:50; visual:20 } table[name=N] { online:yes; portion:50; visual:20 } table[name=P] { online:yes; portion:50; visual:20 } table[name=S] { online:yes; portion:40; visual:10; master:M N P } or (if slave table refers to one master table by 3 own fields) table[name=M] { online:yes; portion:50; visual:20 } table[name=S] { online:yes; portion:40; visual:10; master:M/§s3 N/§s4 P/§s5 } where §s3, §s4, §s5 are fields of table "S" ... in addition to mentioned in paper, master table rise appearance of new separete browser window and displaying content of slave table in it, if *) additional virtual column is specified in CSS for master table (slave field is specified too, if several fields of slave table refer to one master table) table[name=M] §m20::after { slave:S/§s5 } *) user make double-click on this virtual column Relation "master-slave" is served by the same saments, as relation "slave-master"; but refering key will be specified <?mtd name= event= arg= > <m/§s3 m1= m2= m3= > </?mtd> --other HTML6 additions botton to commit transaction must be implemented in menu of browser window, pressing on which will send <?commit/?> Dmitry (SQL50, HTML60)
Received on Wednesday, 5 November 2008 13:15:29 UTC