Re: WYSIWYM editors

On 19/03/2007 13:08, Gavin Pearce wrote:

> I have to agree with Daniel.
> And isn't an ultimate aim to have more people understanding HTML anyway, I
> just don't think we should be counting certain types of user groups out on
> discussions just because "the majority do it *some other way*" .
> Requirements/specs for non-techie users are just as much a priority as those
> who spend all day, everyday, working with it.
> I know that isn't what you were trying to say - but thought I'd just like to
> make that point clear.

The vast majority of HTML authors are... email users. Zillions of
them are composing "rich emails" without even knowing it's HTML inside.


Received on Monday, 19 March 2007 12:11:05 UTC