Re: (Un)Ordered lists

On Tue, 21 Aug 2007 18:51:20 +0200, Philip Taylor (Webmaster)  
<P.Taylor@Rhul.Ac.Uk> wrote:

> Geoffrey Sneddon wrote:
>>  The definition for |ol| and |ul| says that they represent an "ordered  
>> list of items" and an "unordered list of items". It doesn't say in what  
>> way they are ordered. Should the definition be refined to something  
>> like "A list where the order of the items has meaning."?
> How is that better than "an ordered list" ?  The latter is idiomatic,
> widely used and widely understood; your re-casting may be preferable
> in terms of Basic English, but I am not convinced that technical
> specifications can or should be expressed in B.E.

The distinction is that <ol> isn't necessarily appropriate just because  
the items come in a particular order. They may for instance be sorted  
alphabetically but the order doesn't actually matter. I think the spec  
needs to be clearer on this point. discusses  
this issue.

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Received on Tuesday, 21 August 2007 17:21:15 UTC