Re: Proposing <indent> vs. <blockquote>

Actually I agree with Mike Schinkel, that we need another
element in addition to <blockquote> to mark up indented text,
but it's not really <indent> what we need, and we don't
really need it for indenting.

Often we want to designate some portion of text from it's
surrounding content. This could be some kind of interesting
fact you want to add to your main content, some kind of example,
in-depth material, etc, but it's clearly not a quotation.
Often you might want to style it with and indent (which
might be a good default for that element in visual user-agents),
but it's clearly not the only way, you might want to style it.

Happily HTML5 already defines the <aside> [1] element, that
nicely fits for all those purposes and many more.

   I don't really agree with the use of predefined class-
   names for it, but that's a completely other issue.

With best wishes,

Rene Saarsoo


Received on Thursday, 12 April 2007 17:33:46 UTC