ISSUE-127 (link-type-flags): Simplify characterization of link types [HTML 5 spec]
ISSUE-126 (charset-vs-backslashes): Requirement to break RFC 2616 compliance with respect to backslashes not needed for legacy content [HTML 5 spec]
ISSUE-125 (charset-vs-quotes): Requirement to break RFC 2616 compliance with respect to single quotes not needed for legacy content [HTML 5 spec]
[Bug 10691] New: Specify extend method for Selection objects
[Bug 10676] New: I implies ITALIC, which is styling. Styling should be done with CSS, not with HTML markup
[Bug 10675] New: B implies BOLD, which is styling. Styling should be done with CSS, not with HTML markup
[Bug 10673] New: Typo in HTMLAllCollections
[Bug 10672] New: the media element onplay event is not always called when the user hits the play button
[Bug 10671] New: consider removing support for PUT and DELETE as form methods
[Bug 10666] New: textarea.cols should default to 20, and textarea.rows should default to 2. IE8 and WebKit do this; Opera defaults to 0 and Gecko defaults to -1. Of the three behaviors, IE/WebKit makes the most sense, and I'm submitting a patch to get Gecko to line up w
[Bug 10665] New: These tables should include obsolete elements somewhere, for the benefit of implementers. Or at least some such index should be provided. It's annoying to have no easily-used index like this when writing tests.
[Bug 10661] New: use an ISO 639-2 specified language for HTML5 documents
[Bug 10660] New: use < and > and not ← and → to indicate previous and next
[Bug 10659] New: GET -> "Mutate action"
[Bug 10657] New: integration of "aria-autocomplete" with the various autocompletion mechanisms in html5
- [Bug 10657] integration of "aria-autocomplete" with the various autocompletion mechanisms in html5
- [Bug 10657] integration of "aria-autocomplete" with the various autocompletion mechanisms in html5