from September 2010 by thread

ISSUE-127 (link-type-flags): Simplify characterization of link types [HTML 5 spec] HTML Weekly Issue Tracker (Thursday, 30 September)

ISSUE-126 (charset-vs-backslashes): Requirement to break RFC 2616 compliance with respect to backslashes not needed for legacy content [HTML 5 spec] HTML Weekly Issue Tracker (Thursday, 30 September)

ISSUE-125 (charset-vs-quotes): Requirement to break RFC 2616 compliance with respect to single quotes not needed for legacy content [HTML 5 spec] HTML Weekly Issue Tracker (Thursday, 30 September)

[Bug 10691] New: Specify extend method for Selection objects (Wednesday, 22 September)

[Bug 10676] New: I implies ITALIC, which is styling. Styling should be done with CSS, not with HTML markup (Wednesday, 22 September)

[Bug 10675] New: B implies BOLD, which is styling. Styling should be done with CSS, not with HTML markup (Wednesday, 22 September)

[Bug 10673] New: Typo in HTMLAllCollections (Wednesday, 22 September)

[Bug 10672] New: the media element onplay event is not always called when the user hits the play button (Wednesday, 22 September)

[Bug 10671] New: consider removing support for PUT and DELETE as form methods (Tuesday, 21 September)

[Bug 10666] New: textarea.cols should default to 20, and textarea.rows should default to 2. IE8 and WebKit do this; Opera defaults to 0 and Gecko defaults to -1. Of the three behaviors, IE/WebKit makes the most sense, and I'm submitting a patch to get Gecko to line up w (Tuesday, 21 September)

[Bug 10665] New: These tables should include obsolete elements somewhere, for the benefit of implementers. Or at least some such index should be provided. It's annoying to have no easily-used index like this when writing tests. (Tuesday, 21 September)

[Bug 10661] New: use an ISO 639-2 specified language for HTML5 documents (Monday, 20 September)

[Bug 10660] New: use < and > and not &#8592; and &#8594; to indicate previous and next (Monday, 20 September)

[Bug 10659] New: GET -> "Mutate action" (Monday, 20 September)

[Bug 10657] New: integration of "aria-autocomplete" with the various autocompletion mechanisms in html5 (Monday, 20 September)

[Bug 10656] New: The spec says that @charset overrides the HTTP charset and doesn't allow examining the BOM (Monday, 20 September)

[Bug 10649] New: drag and drop (Saturday, 18 September)

[Bug 10648] New: "When the relevant content attributes are absent, the IDL attributes must return zero." Surely this is redundant with the rules for reflecting doubles? (Friday, 17 September)

[Bug 10647] New: shadowBlur should be linear throughout rather than changing to sqrt() above 8px (Friday, 17 September)

[Bug 10645] New: Add a modal element, or attribute, to html5 to indicate a modal segment of the DOM (modal dialog) (Friday, 17 September)

[Bug 10644] New: over-complex characterization of link types (Friday, 17 September)

[Bug 10642] New: No alternative text description for video key frame (poster) (Friday, 17 September)

[Bug 10641] New: let us know (Friday, 17 September)

[Bug 10639] New: Cross Document Messaging (Wednesday, 15 September)

[Bug 10638] New: Unclear behavior specified for negative 'dimensional attributes' (Wednesday, 15 September)

ISSUE-124 (nofollow-limits): nofollow/noreferrer not allowed on <link> HTML Weekly Issue Tracker (Wednesday, 15 September)

ISSUE-123 (autofocus): Autofocus attribute security concerns [HTML 5 spec] HTML Weekly Issue Tracker (Wednesday, 15 September)

ISSUE-122 (shalott-example): alt text and description for Lady of Shalott example [alt techniques] HTML Weekly Issue Tracker (Wednesday, 15 September)

ISSUE-121 (http-caching): Do not ignore HTTP caching rules [HTML 5 spec] HTML Weekly Issue Tracker (Wednesday, 15 September)

ISSUE-120 (rdfa-prefixes): Use of prefixes is too complicated for a Web technology [HTML+RDFa] HTML Weekly Issue Tracker (Wednesday, 15 September)

[Bug 10636] New: I could be reading the spec wrong, but are the default flow behaviors for these elements undefined? Will an article be rendered as a block-level element, or have no effect on flow at all? I've found several top-teir web-dev ref sites which all have differ (Wednesday, 15 September)

[Bug 10635] New: I could be reading the spec wrong, but are the default flow behaviors for these elements undefined? Will an article be rendered as a block-level element, or have no effect on flow at all? I've found several top-teir web-dev ref sites which all have differ (Wednesday, 15 September)

ISSUE-119 (rel-repetition): Certain relationships take on a special meaning when repeated; other solutions may be cleaner [HTML 5 spec] HTML Weekly Issue Tracker (Wednesday, 15 September)

[Bug 10634] New: Please update the base64 reference to the latest relevant RFC (Wednesday, 15 September)

[Bug 10633] New: Minimums for timer granularity should be left to the user agent - different form factors have different power requirements (Wednesday, 15 September)

[Bug 10632] New: Video test #8 is incorrect (Tuesday, 14 September)

[Bug 10631] New: Named access on the Window object doesn't work for XHTML documents in WebKit, Firefox, or (trivially) IE. Dumping objects in the global scope is sad face. Can we restrict this behavior to HTML documents? (The bug for implementing this in XHTML was rece (Tuesday, 14 September)

[Bug 10630] New: Potential spec bug: the spec doesn't match IE for <div><body><frameset>. IE sets frameset-ok to "not ok" for <body> in "in body". See vs (Tuesday, 14 September)

[Bug 10629] New: 2.2.2 mentions the itemprop attribute without it being defined. (Tuesday, 14 September)

[Bug 10628] New: Where this says "Number object" and "String object", it should say "number" and "string". Normal strings and numbers are not objects. A "String object" is actually a different kind of thing (rarely used). (Monday, 13 September)

[Bug 10627] New: Where this says "Number object" and "String object", it should say "number" and "string". Normal strings and numbers are not objects. A "String object" is actually a different kind of thing (rarely used). (Monday, 13 September)

[Bug 10626] New: non-normative? this sounds confusing and vauge... (Monday, 13 September)

[Bug 10625] New: Spec should cover stopping parsing on location.href = "foo" (Monday, 13 September)

ISSUE-118 (broken-link-types): Specification breaks semantics of existing link relations "index" and "first" [HTML 5 spec] HTML Weekly Issue Tracker (Thursday, 2 September)

Last message date: Thursday, 30 September 2010 12:35:01 UTC