ISSUE-125 (charset-vs-quotes): Requirement to break RFC 2616 compliance with respect to single quotes not needed for legacy content [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-125 (charset-vs-quotes): Requirement to break RFC 2616 compliance with respect to single quotes not needed for legacy content [HTML 5 spec]

Raised by: Julian Reschke
On product: HTML 5 spec

Related Bugzilla issue:

In <>, the spec claims that treating single quotes like double quotes in Content-Type (a violation of the syntax defined in RFC 2616) is "motivated by the need for backwards compatibility with legacy content".

The test case attached to the ticket ( shows that IE6, IE8, IE9beta and Konqueror do *not* implement this, but interpret the parameter as invalid instead (IE7 not tested).

This is evidence that the violation of RFC 2616 is not required for compatibility with web content.

Please remove it (that is, specify "return nothing").

HTML5-SPEC-SECTIONS [content-type-sniffing]

Received on Thursday, 30 September 2010 11:33:47 UTC