ISSUE-124 (nofollow-limits): nofollow/noreferrer not allowed on <link>

ISSUE-124 (nofollow-limits): nofollow/noreferrer not allowed on <link>

Raised by: Julian Reschke
On product: 

There has been some objection to the nofollow and noreferrer relations being limited to the <a> and <area> elements:

"It's unclear why these link relations can not appear on a <link> element (the
same could be asked about "bookmark" and "external", but let's focus on these
for now)....

The reasoning: 'to simplify UA requirements' doesn't compute; by treating <a>
and <link> differently you actually make things more *complicated*."

Others argue that this makes things simpler.

The scope of this issue is keeping or removing this limitation on nofollow and noreferrer relations.

Related bug:

(raised on behalf of Julian Reschke)

Received on Wednesday, 15 September 2010 10:00:38 UTC