from July to September 2010 by subject

[Bug 10083] Remove references to Microdata from within the document

HTML Working Group Status

{agenda} HTML WG telecon 2010-07-08: actions, issues, decisions, revised proposals, future surveys, TF reports

{agenda} HTML WG telecon 2010-07-15: note new dial-in numbers for Paris and London

{agenda} HTML WG telecon 2010-07-22

{agenda} HTML WG telecon 2010-07-29, WG decisions, issue review, WG surveys

{agenda} HTML WG telecon 2010-08-04 [task force week]

{agenda} HTML WG telecon 2010-08-12: action 29; issues 116, 30, 109, 27; bugs 9894, 10066

{agenda} HTML WG telecon 2010-08-19: WG decisions, Decision Policy, TF reports

{agenda} HTML WG telecon 2010-08-26, action items, state of various issues

{agenda} HTML WG telecon 2010-09-02, action items, media accessibility requirements overview

{agenda} HTML WG Telecon 2010-09-09 - LC timeline, distributed extensibility, media accessibility

{agenda} HTML WG Telecon 2010-09-09 status of calls, heartbeat, last call; task force reports; bugzilla notifications, discussion guidelines

{agenda} HTML WG Telecon 2010-09-23 status of calls, issues and bugs, TPAC F2F

{agenda} HTML WG Telecon 2010-09-30 status of calls, issues and bugs, Task Force Reports

{minutes} HTML WG telecon 2010-07-08: actions, issues, decisions, revised proposals, future surveys, TF reports

{minutes} HTML WG telecon 2010-07-15

{minutes} HTML WG telecon 2010-07-22

{minutes} HTML WG telecon 2010-07-29, WG decisions, issue review, WG surveys

{minutes} HTML WG telecon 2010-08-04 [task force week]

{minutes} HTML WG telecon 2010-08-19: WG decisions, Decision Policy, TF reports

{minutes} HTML WG Telecon 2010-09-09 - LC timeline, distributed extensibility, media accessibility

{minutes} HTML WG Telecon 2010-09-23 status of calls, issues and bugs, TPAC F2F

{minutes} } HTML WG telecon 2010-08-26, action items, state of various issues

Last message date: Tuesday, 28 September 2010 23:59:34 UTC