{agenda} HTML WG telcon 2009-08-13

The HTML Working Group will have its usual weekly teleconference on
2009-08-13 for 60 minutes from 16:00Z to 17:00Z.


Tokyo 01:00+1, Amsterdam/Oslo 18:00, London/Dublin 17:00, New
Jersey/York 12 noon, Kansas City 11:00, Seattle/San Francisco 09:00.

I (Sam Ruby) will chair this meeting.  We are looking for a scribe.

Dial-in and IRC details:

      Zakim teleconference bridge
       +1.617.761.6200, +, +44.117.370.6152
       code: HTML (4865)

      Supplementary IRC chat (logged)
        #html-wg on irc.w3.org port 6665 or port 80


1) remind everybody that there is a poll going on:


2) review of open action items, based on target dates


3) review of pending review action items


4) review of raised action items that have been identified as
    candidates for closure at this time.


Additions to the agenda are welcome. If you plan to attend the telcon
and wish to place an item on the agenda, please reply to this message
with your agenda request.

Additional details on agenda items 2, 3, and 4 can be found below.


Last week we had a full teleconference (literally: people were being 
turned away).  These people's time is precious: for items that the 
status is "we're continuing to work it, I'll report back in n-weeks" I 
am going to continue to do like I did last week and preemptively move 
the date back a week.  This week that affects:

Action-108/Larry Masinter/html-versioning
Action-103/Julian Reschke/doctype-legacy-compat
Action-86/Julian Reschke/urls-webarch

Remaining items:

Issue-35/Action-114 aria-processing
My understanding is that the ARIA TF has answers to the questions that 
are blocking Ian's progress, but has a policy that prevents them from 
sharing these answers.  I've raised this issue with Phillipe.  I need 
somebody to tell me what I need to do to unblock this or I will continue 
to escalate further.

Issue-32/Action-128 table-summary
Cynthia has provided to me a draft for discussion purposes, we need to 
work out the mechanics.  More specifically, I botched a merge last time 
and I need somebody to look over what I produced this time and simply 
say "yes, that's what I intended".  I've place my intermediate results here:


Issue-74/Action-133 canvas-accessibility
This item is not due this week, but I'm choosing to flag it at this time 
as it as a target date of 2009-12-17 which would preclude us for going 
to Last Call this year.  I'd like to put out a call for volunteers: if 
there is anybody out there with an interest and ability to help pull 
this date in, I would like to ask that they step forward.

= pending review =

Action-34 authoring guide
I suggest closing this item, and treat the status of the H:TML as not 
ready for publication yet, per:


Action-106: test suite coordination
It is not clear what I need to review.  Suggest closing.

Action-115: TPAC participants signup
I take it that all that remains is for someone to send a note to 
public-html?  If so, I'll gladly do it and then close this action.

Issue-4/Action-129 html-versioning
Larry has indicated that he believes that this action is complete and 
recommends that it be closed.  I concur.   (Note: action 108 on this 
same issue is still open).


After a long gestation process, we hopefully are in our last trimester 
before what will likely be our first last call.  The issues list -- the 
very subject of our the weekly call -- will be that last hurdle.

The goal isn't perfection, the goal is the best we can do.  In the 
process, we've identified a number of potential issues that over an 
extended period of time absolutely nobody has thought important enough 
to make a concrete proposal or even gather up some relevant data. 
Maciej has identified a number of such issues, namely:

issue-5: button-type-radio

issue-6: videoaudio

issue-9: video-synchronization

issue-10: video-smil

issue-11: default-encoding

issue-12: test-case-file-names

issue-16: offline-applications-sql

issue-17: media-queries-tab-preprocessing

issue-26: accessibility/usability of HTML5 and W3C default stylesheets

issue-34: commonality

issue-36: client-side-storage-sql

issue-37: html-svg-mathml

issue-38: style-attr-syntax

issue-43: client-side image maps

Additionally, the following issue either needs to be closed or an action 
item needs to be created.

issue-20: table-headers

Closing this issue by opening a bugzilla item on the newly minted 
testsuite component is fine with me.  This suggestion may also apply to 

Items that are closed may be reopened at future dates if new information 
and -- more importantly -- owners step forward to accept on action items 
that have a reasonable promise of making progress on these items.

- Sam Ruby

Received on Wednesday, 12 August 2009 14:25:55 UTC