from February 2016 by subject

[Bug 10772] accesskey and an ordered set of unique space-separated tokens

[Bug 10774] fallback for accesskey insufficiently defined

[Bug 10775] how is user to decide which set of access keys to use?

[Bug 10776] accesskey value token subsets

[Bug 10777] user agent assignment of modifier keys subset of accesskey processing subset

[Bug 10778] use element.accessKeyLabel to generate list of available accesskeys

[Bug 10905] clarify how assigning an accesskey to an element affects the elements default role

[Bug 10906] make the the conforming use of placeholder dependent on the presence of a label

[Bug 10994] accessKeyLabel can expose new information about the user and possibly also other origins

[Bug 13390] Readonly attribute on input.{color|range|checkbox|radio}

[Bug 13449] Don't allow blank alt text on area elements

[Bug 13511] document parsing should discuss setting up accessibility APIs

[Bug 13561] some input types don't have controls specified

[Bug 13562] input type=number is listed in table with control of "text box or spinner control."

[Bug 13572] 4.10.19 aborting autofocus based on user choice not optional

[Bug 13590] VHA Comments on HTML5 Draft Specification

[Bug 13639] CSS2 System Colors Should Be Recognized

[Bug 13727] regarding "phrase or paragraph with an alternative graphical representation"

[Bug 16268] [AAPI]: @longdesc is not described

[Bug 23471] Need to define model for focus order and how to keyboard out of frame

[Bug 23611] clarify how assigning an accesskey to an element affects the elements default role

[Bug 23613] Access Command Requirements for HTML5

[Bug 23614] accessKeyLabel can expose new information about the user and possibly also other origins

[Bug 23616] clarify how assigning an accesskey to an element affects the elements default role

[Bug 8872] split out and modify parts of Section the img element

[Bug 9326] HTML elements mapping to ARIA and A11y APIs

alt length

aria-ACTION-2024: Talk to Steve Faulkner about limiting the role of "text" to images in HTML

HTML accessibility bug triage

HTML-A11Y Task Force Agenda; 18 February at 16:00Z

HTML-A11Y Task Force Agenda; 4 February at 16:00Z

Minutes from the 4 February 2016 HTML A11Y Task Force Call

Telecon Minutes for 18 February

Last message date: Monday, 29 February 2016 18:59:17 UTC