2 Calls || Inform. Systems & Managment in eMedia/Creative Industries || Book Chapters (Springer-Verlag) || Workshop Papers (ICME 2014) ||
[admin] Agenda - Distributed Meeting 20 March 2014
[admin] Agenda - Distributed Meeting 27 March 2014
[admin] Agenda items, NSD participation for DAP teleconference tomorrow, 27 March?
[admin] Cancel teleconference 6 March, next call 20 March
[admin] Cordova DAP prioritization proposal
[admin] Draft minutes 27 March 2014
[admin] draft minutes teleconference 20 March 2014
[admin] Meeting Scheduling - proposed change
[admin] reminder DAP call 1 hour earlier in Europe today (Daylight Saving Time change discrepancy)
[admin] reminder DAP call 1 hour earlier today in Europe
[admin] Security/Privacy normative text
[admin] updated test links on DAP home page
[admin] Welcome to the DAP WG!
[fyi] Early alpha announce: PubRules Checker NG
[network info] CfC to Shelve Network Information API concluded; plan to publish W3C Note, also Requirements Note publication?
[testing] HTML Media Capture tests/pull request review
[vibration] Vibration related thread on webapps list
NSD implementation
Resolving DAP HTML Media Capture pull request review comment
Last message date: Monday, 31 March 2014 20:02:54 UTC