Re: ISSUE-92 sh:partition added to the spec.


Thanks for the review.

There are three bullets that describe the allowed contents of a sh:QCC resource:

* zero or one sh:minCount. This defines the minimum cardinality of the
corresponding subset.
* zero or one sh:maxCount. This defines the maximum cardinality of the
corresponding subset.
* any combination of constraint parameters for node validation
constraints. A node validation constraint is any constraint defined by
a boolean function on nodes. These include the built-in constraints
defined by sh:nodeKind, sh:partition, sh:minExclusive, etc. The
corresponding subset consists of those remaining nodes for which the
boolean function is true.

Yes, each bullet describes a syntactic element and also say what that
element is for. They all refer to the "corresponding subset". Is the
third bullet unclear? If so, refer to the more precise algorithm

-- Arthur

On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 4:49 AM, Iovka Boneva
<> wrote:
> Le 11/02/2016 04:31, Arthur Ryman a écrit :
> As we discussed at the last telecon, I've added the sh:partition
> constraint to resolve ISSUE-92. See [1].
> -- Arthur
> [1]
> Arthur,
> When you write "The corresponding subset consists of those remaining nodes
> for which the boolean function is true."
> I do not understand this sentence. Isn't it semantics related (whereas
> appears in a paragraph that talks about syntax).
> Iovka
> --
> Iovka Boneva
> Associate professor (MdC) Université de Lille
> +33 6 95 75 70 25

Received on Thursday, 11 February 2016 13:27:55 UTC