Re: [RC5] character-encoding-038 invalid

On Jan 14, 2011, at 12:58 PM, Alan Gresley wrote:

> On 15/01/2011 7:24 AM, Peter Linss wrote:
>> I believe there are a few problems with this test.
>> First, the only style possibilities for the test paragraphs are white
>> text on a green background versus white text on a green background. I
>> presume it's trying to test for the application of the rule in the
>> linked stylesheet but there would be no visible effect either way.
>> Second, I'm trying to figure out if this test requires http or not  
>> (and
>> exactly what for that matter this test is trying to test), I'm  
>> guessing
>> the rule in the linked style sheet is NOT supposed to match  
>> anything? It
>> it relying on the linked stylesheet being served as utf-8? (the  
>> server's
>> default, as there is no explicit encoding set on that file) Why  
>> does the
>> title state "malformed UTF-8"? Either something's missing here or I'm
>> not getting it...
>> Peter
> The external stylesheet CSS [1] has this
> .t�st { color: white; background: green; }
> I presume that � is malformed CSS. Each class of each <p> has a  
> string
> of class"t(Unicode)st". These are the Unicode characters.
> é ้ щ ى ι י И
> 1.
> < 
> >

The external stylesheet is:
.tést { color: white; background: green; }

if interpreted as ISO-8859-1 encoding. Which I take to mean that the  
stylesheet needs to be served via http with the explicit encoding of  
utf-8, so that it does NOT match any of the content. (Meaning the  
stylesheet is malformed utf-8, which explains the title.)

So I presume the stylesheet should be updated to be:
.t�st { color: yellow; background: red; }

and the test does in fact need the 'http' flag (which I already added).

Received on Friday, 14 January 2011 23:23:14 UTC