Re: Suggestions and corrections to the MS-supplied CSS 2.1 tests

Regarding their :first-letter tests, I am by no means an implementor  
but I would have thought punctuation characters are implemented in  
Unicode character sets, so am wondering whether there is any need for  
creating an individual test case for each one of these characters  
(there are currently around 411 test cases for this purpose in the MS  
Conformance Suite). If however there is a need, I would suggest  
aggregating all 411 into one test case where all punctuation  
characters each precede and succeed the first letter - I believe this  
would make it far quicker for implementors to see whether all  
characters are indeed supported. Certainly from my own bug-testing  
point of view, I think this and similar features could be tested on an  
adhoc basis, similar to what the CSS2.1 Test Case Authoring Guidelines  
( state.

I agree with Johannes that there should be a clear pass or fail  
condition. For example, there are many cases where the black text  
color, combined with the text "Test passes if there is no red visible  
on the page", constitutes a pass. Even though the text is self  
explanatory, I suggest the black text become green, constituting a  
pass- this further iterates, and emphasizes a clear pass condition.


Received on Wednesday, 18 February 2009 16:27:58 UTC