I made a clip just of the digital identity agenda item before the original
youtube video disappeared. Here is a link: https://youtu.be/PMR_sKRTyvY
I think they re-uploaded the entire hearing (including the DAO and other
items) including closed captioning as a new video file with a new URL.
On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 3:15 PM Alan Davies <alan@credentialmaster.com>
> Hello Christopher,
> I now find that the link to the video you provided results in "Video
> unavailable. This video is private."
> Can we still get access to it?
> Regards,
> Alan Davies
> alan@credentialmaster.com
> +1 818 415 0211
> https://linkedin.com/in/pinkelk
> On Sep 23, 2020, at 1:27 PM, Christopher Allen <
> ChristopherA@lifewithalacrity.com> wrote:
> Today, the Wyoming "Select Committee on Blockchain, Financial Technology
> and Digital Innovation Technology" https://wyoleg.gov/Committees/2020/S19
> had a public meeting, with a major agenda item today on Digital Identity.
> I am a member of the Digital Identity sub-committee and thus was invited
> to be part of the discussion (along with invited experts Dazza Greenwood,
> Clare Sullivan and Scott David).
> This discussion was quite interesting, with some very knowledgeable and
> informed state legislators because of successful past Blockchain
> legislation (19 passed bills!). The video is at
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2yMs_I5Sn0 starting at about the 2h39m
> mark.
> We began with a discussion of an initial draft for a legal definition at
> https://wyoleg.gov/InterimCommittee/2020/S19-202009233-01DigitalIdentityDraftingGuidance.pdf,
> but the discussion went much further, including some desire by legislators
> to consider making a legal definition of Self-Sovereign Identity.
> If you have feedback on this discussion, you are welcome to offer public
> testimony at the next meeting (currently schedule 11/2), or I can share
> your thoughts with the members of the sub-committee at our meetings in the
> meantime, or you can share your thoughts directly with Select Committee
> co-chair & Identity Sub-Commitee chair Chris Rothfuss <
> Chris.Rothfuss@wyoleg.gov>.
> — Christopher Allen
Daniel "Dazza" Greenwood <http://dazzagreenwood.com>
law.MIT.edu <http://law.mit.edu/> & CIVICS.com <http://civics.com/>
Email: dazza@civics.com
Mobile: +1 617-500-3644