from September 2018 by subject

Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) Working Group Charter Extended

AccName question

AccName test expectations bug + prototype bug?

Agenda: Aria Working Group, Thursday Sept 27

Agenda: Thursday 13 September, ARIA Working Group

Agenda: Thursday 6 September, ARIA Working Group

Agenda: Thursday September 20, 2018 - ARIA WG

CfC: Standing consent to publish updated Working Drafts

Minutes: Aria Working Group, Thursday Sept 27

Minutes: Thursday 13 September, ARIA Working Group

Minutes: Thursday 6 September, ARIA Working Group

Minutes: Thursday September 20, 2018 - ARIA WG

role="generic" and aria-textseparation property

Should one trailing space in a name calculation pass or fail?

Updated accordion example and unit tests

Last message date: Sunday, 30 September 2018 11:13:33 UTC