Re: [web-annotation] Annotation alsoKnownAs <uri>

Proposal post-TPAC:
 * Use rel=via instead of rel=canonical in the model. This would be 
`iana:via` (json-ld key: `via`) on the Annotation, with the object 
being another URI for the Annotation.

Rationale: rel=canonical is too strong. If the @id is the 
deferenceable HTTP URI, and the referenced URI is just a UUID, then 
the canonical one is the HTTP URI already. Instead we want to say that
 we got this resource via this other resource.  We could ALSO assert 
canonical if necessary, but that would require quite some coordination
 amongst systems. To me (personally, non editor, non chair, yadda 
yadda) that seems like something to add once we have deployment 

GitHub Notif of comment by azaroth42

Received on Tuesday, 3 November 2015 17:43:51 UTC