from April to June 2005 by subject

-config config.txt not working

60 Jahre Befreiung: Wer feiert mit?

[html-tidy] <none>

Ask help to announce the conference: CIS'05...

Beta testers for a Tidy app sought

Can tidy ONLY clean URIs???

Configuration question

Configuration question (repost)

Converting Latin-1 special characters to entities

Deadline Extended - IEEE/WIC/ACM Intelligent Agent Technology 2005

Deadline Extended - IEEE/WIC/ACM WEB INTELLIGENCE 2005

End tags in TidyLib

Final CFP : IEEE ICDM'05


Is this spam or legit?

More Information

no quote-copy option in tidy.config?

Paranoider Deutschenmoerder kommt in Psychiatrie

Problem downloading software

Problems tidying content as XHTML strict

Question about Tidy Interface

Question that I can't find an answer to online.

table summary attribute default

tidy cuts half of the html-code

Tidy from PHP command line

tidy html & doctype

Tidy xHTML problem

Up-to-date wrapper for Delphi?

W3 Org-Tidy HTML Security

WAP address submission: news agency BosNewsLife

Web service using XML RPC and html Tidy by extracting data fr om a web page

Web service using XML RPC and html Tidy by extracting data from a web page

Where is Sebastian Tusk?

Your Account is Suspended For Security Reasons

Last message date: Thursday, 30 June 2005 13:31:13 UTC