Beta testers for a Tidy app sought

Hi all,

Oh deary me, I hear you thinking: not *another* vague application
built on top of the Tidy Library?

Ayep, precisely that: *another* vague application built on top of
the Tidy Library... :-)

I wrote this program (called 'Tidybot') because I needed some
very specific functionality I couldn't easily find elsewhere. Now
that it exists, I'd like to make it available to the world, just
in case others find it useful, too.

What it does:

- Traverses one or more source directories on your hard disk
  recursively, and runs all .html/.htm files it finds through
  TidyLib, collecting all warnings and errors it encounters
  and presenting them nicely in an XHTML report.

- You can specify files/directories to exclude, you can specify
  warnings/errors to suppress in the generated report, and you
  can specify 'key:value' options to pass directly to the
  underlying Tidy engine. You can also tell the generated report
  to use a different CSS stylesheet if you want it to have
  your own look & feel.

- Comes in both a command-line version (for easy automated
  scheduling) and a (functionally equivalent, but more
  user-friendly) GUI version.

- Is cross-platform, running on both Unix/Linux and MS Windows
  (and I daresay it will run on MacOS as well -- certainly the
  command-line version should -- but I haven't been able to test
  that). An Installer application is available for Windows. (On
  Unix, you will also need to install a number of prerequisites.)

What it (by design) doesn't do:

- No conversion or editing of files -- it just checks files,
  helping you to *keep* things tidy, rather than tidying them for

- Doesn't get pages from a web server -- only static pages
  available on the local file system are supported.

What I am looking for:

- People willing to give Tidybot 1.5b1 a run on their system, and
  then send me test reports and feedback as detailed as they have
  the time and inclination for.

To clarify: Tidybot may have a rather limited functionality (when
compared to what Tidy is capable of) but it is not a quick hack,
and before I officially release it to the world I really want to
make sure it runs as flawlessly as possible. This is why all
feedback is welcome.

The Tidybot Home Page is:


and you can see daily updated report pages in action at:


Tidybot and its source code are released as free software under
the MIT License.

Many thanks in advance to anybody willing to help me out with

Leo Breebaart  <>

Received on Monday, 13 June 2005 04:38:09 UTC