www-svg@w3.org from September 2000 by subject


@color-profile problem

Binding SVG and HTML

Broken links in PDF version of CR

Can wireless devices support SVG?

combining javascript and declarative animation?

createRGBColor() problem.

creating an SVGDocument instance

CSS level errors.

drawing/rendering order

enable-background CSSValue

Errors in fragment identifier

forms & SVG

Is the mail server configured correctly? It seems not

Is there an SVG Charter / Forward Work Program?

Is there an SVG Charter / Fprward Work Program?

Minor typo in Section 7.9


page breaks?

Re(2): drawing/rendering order

Registration of script MIME types


SVG CR - "Web fonts" or "WebFonts"

SVG Fonts

SVG printing

SVG RDF tool

SVG versions of "Valid XHTML/HTML/CSS/XML" images

translate and rotations

Type in SVG: final form only?

Understanding charts with SVG

Valid but Semantically Incorrect

XHTML in viewer

Last message date: Saturday, 30 September 2000 15:31:49 UTC