w3c-wai-eo@w3.org from January to March 2004 by subject

"Why standards..." change proposal

"Why standards..." change proposal (about:translations)

2.13.04 agenda item: Quarterly update of Online Overview of WAI

2004 03 12: regrets

[w3c-wai-eo] <none>

A justification for accessibility to present to clients?

Accessibility & Search Engines

Agenda for 26 March 2004 teleconference

agenda for Technical Plenary meetings next week

BC-Social Factors Comments

bcase-social factors for 23 January 2004 teleconference

browsers for people with LD

business case review this week and next week

business case review this week for Friday 26 March teleconference

Cancelling 20 February 2004 EOWG Teleconference

Comments on WAI resources pages

Deciphering Access for People with Disabilities

Draft quarterly update of EOWG Deliverables plan

English effort for monitoring traffic

EOWG Deliverables list: incorporated updates from 1Q 2004 review

EOWG: 9 January 2004 teleconference - regrets

EOWG: Agenda for 13 February 2004 teleconference

EOWG: Agenda for 2 April 2004 teleconference

EOWG: Agenda for 23 January 2004 teleconference

EOWG: Agenda for 23 January, regrets

EOWG: Agenda for 26 March 2004 teleconference

EOWG: Agenda for 27 February (Regrets first hour of the call)

EOWG: Agenda for 27 February 2004 teleconference

EOWG: Agenda for 30 January teleconference

EOWG: Agenda for 6 February Teleconference

EOWG: Agenda for 9 January 2004 - Outreach Updates

EOWG: Agenda for 9 January 2004 teleconference

EOWG: Agenda for teleconference 20040312

EOWG: Agenda for teleconference 20040312 - possible regrets

EOWG: Agenda for teleconference 20040312, HPWD use the web

EOWG: Please read/review latest business case draft before 2 April 2004 teleconference

EOWG: preparation for teleconference

EOWG: Regrets for teleconference 20040312

EOWG: teleconference regrets for February

EU Accessibility Conference

Fwd: [Moderator Action] Re: thesis up on the web (fwd)

Fwd: RE: bcase-social factors for 23 January 2004 teleconference

Fwd: Registration for WAI Interest Group meeting following CSUN 2004, and related WAI events at CSUN

Groups to benefit from accessibility

Italian accessibility law - Complete english text

Italian accessibility law - English translation

Italian accessibility law: what's going on

Late regrets

Localisation disclaimer for document How People with Disabilities Use the Web

Making Distance Education Accessible

May be late...

New CSS validator

no teleconference 16 January

NOTE TIME DIFFERENCE due to daylight savings & EOWG teleconference time

Outreach update Denmark

PC Shop

Please Join My Superb Yahoo Forums!

Policy Page Suggestion

policy semantics

Presenting the Case for Web Accessibility Overview

Presenting the Case for Web Accessibility: Comments

Probably late if I make it tomorrowRe: Agenda for 6 February Teleconference

Question: Real use of WCAG Conformance Logos

R: Translations and localization problem


Regrets 2004-JAN-23

Regrets 23 January 2004 teleconference

regrets for 16 jan

Regrets for 16 jan. EOWG-teleconference

Regrets for 2004-03-12

Regrets for 23th jan telcon

Regrets for 26 March 2004 teleconference

Regrets for 27 February 2004 teleconference - Italian Law

regrets for 6 Feb 2004

Regrets for 6 February Teleconference

regrets for April 2

Regrets for EOWG 27 Feb 2004

regrets for Feb. 6

regrets for Feb. 6 - leaving early

Regrets for January 16

Regrets for today's teleconference


Regrets: 03/12/04 for at least the first part

Regrets: 2/13

Regrets: Agenda for 13 February 2004 teleconference

Regrets: Re: Agenda for 27 February 2004 teleconference

Regrets: Re: EOWG: Agenda for 30 January teleconference

Regrets:Re: Agenda for teleconference 20040312

regretsfor Jan. 9

Renaming proposal for business case resource suite

REPLY TO: social factors - digital divide revisited

Request for volunteers: Guideline summaries

scribe--mea culpa

social factors

social factors - digital divide revisited

social factors for review for 9 January 2004 teleconference

Social Factors page



Technical Plenary hotel discount through 20 January

Technical Plenary registration closes 20 February

The Wide Range of Abilities and Its Impact On Computer Technology

thesis up on the web

thesis up on the web (fwd)

Translations and localization problem

Updated "How People with Disabilities Use the Web" for review in 12 March 2004 Teleconference

Updated "Standards Harmonization" document for review in 13 February 2004 Teleconference

Updated "Standards Harmonization" document for review in 27 February 2004 Teleconference

Updated WAI Resources page for review in 6 February teleconference

WAI: BC - Temporary Disability or New Users

WAI: BC-Social Factors Comments

WAI: Standards Harmon: Paragraph Web Dev & Tools

waiting list for WAI Web Accessibility Best Practices Exchange Training, February 2004, Madrid

Web Accessibility Validation and Repair: Which Tools and Why?

wifi network setup for the TP

Will join a bit later. Re: EOWG: Agenda for 27 February 2004 teleconference

Your Ship Has Come In! This Time You Are Not At The Airport!



Last message date: Wednesday, 31 March 2004 20:13:10 UTC