Updated WAI Resources page for review in 6 February teleconference


I have updated the content in the WAI Resources page:

A list of edits is below, for review and comment during our teleconference 

Please note that this is an update of the _content_ on the WAI Resources 
page, and not an attempt to implement the re-organizations discussed and 
proposed by the WSTF. Those suggestions deserve ample separate consideration.

The updates to content were for the most part long overdue, and include:

1. Added link to draft "How People with Disabilities Use the Web" and 
labeled it Working Draft.

2. Added implementation planning resource suite, with its two sub-pages on 
developing organizational policies, and selecting and using authoring tools 
for Web accessibility.

3. Removed auxiliary benefits document (thought I had done this a long time 
ago, after we determined that as a stand-alone document it created some 
confusion; hopefully will be replaced shortly by a completed business case 
resource suite)

4. Slightly shortened the description of the ATAG FAQ.

5. Changed "procure" to "purchase" in description of UAAG FAQ, for more 
consistency of language level.

6. Added links to WCAG 2.0 and ATAG 2.0 Working Drafts -- labeling them 
clearly as working drafts not yet for reference.

7. Added W3C Note on accessibility problems of visual verification to 
"Techniques" section.

8. Added nested links to sub-documents of WCAG Techniques suite.

9. Indicated that "Techniques for Accessibility Evaluation and Repair" is a 
working draft.

10. Added nested link to example layer of WCAG curriculum.

11. Removed WCAG and ATAG translation links and replaced with link to W3C 

12. Added "Translating WAI Documents" link

13. Swapped "policy" and "events" section since "events" section is out of 
date, and re-arranged links on nav bar (note: WAI home page needs to change 
as well)

14. Updated "search" link


  - Judy

Judy Brewer    +1.617.258.9741    http://www.w3.org/WAI
Director, Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
MIT/CSAIL Room NE43-355, 200 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA,  02139,  USA

Received on Friday, 6 February 2004 03:51:35 UTC