from November 2010 by subject

ACTION-638: high level reorg suggestions

ACTION-718, created initial performance draft template

Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-11-16

Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-11-16 (v2)

Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-11-30

Call for Consensus - Additional changes to XML Signature 1.1 and XML Encryption before Last Call publication

Call for Consensus on removal of digest prefix rewriting in C14N2

Changes to C14N 2.0 decided during the TPAC F2F

Draft minutes 2010-11-30

Draft minutes teleconference 2010-11-16

Fwd: Re ACTION-697: Update ConcatKDF for SHA2 URI

ISSUE-218: For canonical xml 2.0 is eliminating inclusive c14n an issue for xml:base etc (which use cases are impacted), and should QName aware be mandatory

Last Call Resolutions for XML Encryption and XML Signature 1.1 for tomorrow's teleconference

Last Call WD of XML Signature 1.1 and XML Encryption; deadline 22 December 2010

Objection to dead list and Fwd: EXC-XML-C14N ambiguity in processing InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList with undefined prefix

Proposal for XML Encryption Last Call comments re EXI - ( LC-2386 LC-2387)

Regrets for 2010 November 30 meeting

Regrets for Distributed Meeting 2010-11-16 (v2)


updated change explanation documents for XML Signature 1.1 and XML Encryption

updated F2F draft minutes for approval (v2)

Updated XML Encryption editors draft per ACTION-722

Updates to Signature 2.0

XML Sig 2.0: What protection is gained by the <dsig2:IDAttributes> element?

XML Signature 2.0 examples (as of Sep 10th, 2010) - a short review

Last message date: Tuesday, 30 November 2010 20:12:45 UTC