from October 2008 by subject

[agenda] Agenda for tomorrow's call

[agenda] BPWG 2008-10-02

[agenda] BPWG 2008-10-16

[agenda] BPWG 2008-10-30 No call on Thursday 30th Oct

[minutes] BPWG 2008-10-16

[minutes] BPWG F2F day 1 - 2008-10-20

[minutes] BPWG F2F day 2 - 2008-10-21

[minutes] BPWG Teleconference 2008-10-09

[minutes] Thursday 2 October 2008 teleconf

[reminder] No BPWG Call Tomorrow 23rd October

A few editorial comments on "Shared Web Experiences: Barriers Common to Mobile Device Users and People with Disabilities

A few more evaluation procedures for addendum to BP (ACTION-872)

ACTION-847: Change the Addendum according to the resolution about toning down the test character of the document

Agenda for the Content Transformation session during the upcoming F2F

Editorial comments on "Shared Web Experiences: Barriers Common to Mobile Device Users and People with Disabilities"

EOWG Approve for Publication by 9 Oct: "Shared Web Experiences: Barriers Common to Mobile Device Users and People with Disabilities"

Feedback on "Shared Web Experiences: Barriers Common to Mobile Device Users and People with Disabilities"

Ideas for MWABP? Slides from Peter-Paul Koch on the use of Javascript in Web pages

ISSUE-281 (DiscloseCapabilities): MWA should disclose their capabilities in HTTP requests, to allow service adaptation [Mobile Web Applications Best Practices]

ISSUE-283 (Jonathan Jeon): a microformat for mobileOK trustmark [mobileOK scheme]

Mailing list

mobile OK tests: HTTPS considerations (ACTION-841)

mobileOK Basic Tests Editor's Draft Version 1zs

mobileOK version of the F2F agenda for next week

MWABP stable draft for F2F (no update I'm afraid).

New draft of mobileOK Scheme

New draft of MWABP uploaded 20081008

regrets for 9 October teleconference

Regrets for tomorrow's call

Relationship between Mobile Web Best Practices (MWBP) and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

Some more mwabp's from yahoo.

Support for compression in XHR?

Updated Mobile-Accessibility documents

W3C Workshop on the Future of Social Networking

Last message date: Friday, 31 October 2008 13:28:30 UTC