Re: calling for xproc pain points, requested features, etc

I like pretty much all the suggestions on the Usability and XprovVnext wiki

There's one request I have though (more of a 'revolutionary' than a 'fix
whats broke' thing): I'd like to be able to reuse my XSLT2 stylesheet
functions in from the XPath expressions in my XProc pipelines.

To do this today, I pass the function parameters as parameters to a p:xslt
step, which has an inlined XSLT2 stylesheet that imports the stylesheet
containing the xsl:function, passes the parameters to the xsl:function and
then outputs the result in a c:result element. Then I retrieve the result
in my XProc pipeline by reading the result document from the p:xslt steps
result port.

If I could somehow just do something simliar to this, it would be awesome:

<p:pipeline ... xmlns:myns="...">
    <p:import-xslt-functions href="my-stylesheet-functions.xsl"/>
    <p:variable name="myVar" select="myns:myFunction(//paragraph,


2012/1/6 Imsieke, Gerrit, le-tex <>

> On 2012-01-06 05:18, Michael Sokolov wrote:
>> On 1/5/2012 9:46 PM, Imsieke, Gerrit, le-tex wrote:
>>> Consider the case of an EPUB that contains XHTML files that link to
>>> CSS stylesheets. We have implemented a CSS parser in XSLT2. In order
>>> to make it work without too many annoying workarounds, we have to
>>> unpack the zip file first.
>> We found it convenient to write a URIResolver that pulls content out of
>> zip files; that way we can process all the epub pieces in place without
>> the need for temporary files. It didn't present great difficulties,
>> although I may be missing something - we handled the spine and the rest,
>> but don't have a CSS parser - that sounds neat! But some ability to
>> enumerate the contents of the zip, (or to pull out the contents of a
>> "folder" from the zip - a kind of artificial construct) is a big help.
> Sounds really neat. Have you published the resolver somewhere? For our
> purposes, it would have to co-operate with a catalog resolver.
> FYI, the CSS parser is here:
> and of course in the XSLT files used therein, namely
> xsl/css-parser.xsl<>
> xsl/css2xsl.xsl<>
> xsl/css-util.xsl<>
> It is a threee-step process:
> 1. For a given XHTML document, extract CSS info from linked stylesheets,
> inline style elements, and style attributes. Memorize priorities for every
> rule.
> 2. Generate an XSLT stylesheet out of this CSS info. The CSS priorities
> translate to template priorities.
> 3. Apply the generated XSLT stylesheet to the original XHTML file in order
> to make every CSS property on each element explicit as an @css:* attribute.
> That is, all CSS style and class attributes will be expanded to XML
> attributes in the namespace, e.g. <p
> css:margin-top="2em" css:color="red" css:font-family="Arial, sans-serif"
> class="foo"> so that you can use them for grouping, in Schematron rules, …
> Although the epubcheck-xproc project is still quite immature, the CSS
> parser and the mechanism to patch Schematron findings back into the HTML
> files (step epub:schematron-spinehtml in the*
> *epubcheck-xproc/blob/master/**xproc/epub.xpl<>library) is already quite usable.
> Gerrit

Received on Friday, 6 January 2012 11:53:28 UTC