Re: Validation...

On 03/01/12 19:21, David Cramer wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 01/02/2012 09:29 AM, Norman Walsh wrote:
> ...
>> 1. Abort on validation error 2. Silently ignore validation error 3.
>> Ignore validation errors, but make sure that the errors are
>> reported to the user
> ...
>> Does this cover all of the use cases? (I'm not asking if you think
>> this is a *good* solution, I'm just trying to see if we've
>> technically covered all the bases or if there's still more that I'm
>> not getting.)
> Just to be clear, there's also #4, "Report errors to the user AND
> abort", correct?
> I need #4 with the ability to pass in a parameter at build time to do
> #3 instead (I'm not wild about the idea, but the users say they want it).

Yes, that's my use case exactly -- I have an upcoming project that is
meant to provide the user with the ability to manual initiate an XProc
pipeline in Arbortext Editor, provide user feedback (via a Swing dialog
box) and optionally abort. The optional is in case the user wants to
abort on first error or let the thing run and see what happens. In the
latter case this can, on large documents, be quite unreasonable, hence
the option.


Murray Altheim <murray11 at altheim dot com>                       = =  ===                                     ===  ===
SGML Grease Monkey, Banjo Player, Wantanabe Zen Monk               = =  ===

       Boundless wind and moon - the eye within eyes,
       Inexhaustible heaven and earth - the light beyond light,
       The willow dark, the flower bright - ten thousand houses,
       Knock at any door - there's one who will respond.
                                       -- The Blue Cliff Record

Received on Tuesday, 3 January 2012 06:57:55 UTC