RE: [XML Schema 1.1] Is vc:type(Un)Available and vc:facet(Un)Available redundant?

In XSD 1.1, vendors are allowed to add their own types and facets. This
mechanism allows you to include conditional code depending on the presence
of these implementor-defined types and facets. As with function-available()
in XSLT, it also allows finer-grained control if you expect to be running on
processors (like Saxon 9.2) that implement some new features of XSD 1.1 but
not all.


Michael Kay 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Costello, Roger L.
> Sent: 29 June 2009 16:04
> To:
> Subject: [XML Schema 1.1] Is vc:type(Un)Available and 
> vc:facet(Un)Available redundant?
> Hi Folks,
> If I specify vc:minVersion and vc:maxVersion doesn't that 
> dictate what types and facets are available?
> For example, if I specify vc:minVersion="1.1" and 
> vc:maxVersion="1.1" doesn't that mean 
> vc:typeAvailable="xs:precisionDecimal" and 
> vc:facetAvailable="xs:assert" are true?
> It occurs to me that vc:type(Un)Available and 
> vc:facet(Un)Available are never needed; my desires can always 
> be specified just by using vc:minVersion and vc:maxVersion. 
> Do you agree?
> /Roger

Received on Monday, 29 June 2009 15:25:39 UTC