Re: [xml-dev] Non-English languages in XSLT, XML Schema grammars

Ramkumar Menon wrote:
> Gurus,
> I had a question. Why is it that languages like XML Schema, XSLT etc 
> allow only English in the element and attribute names ?  I am not 
> referring to the content, but the actual elements and attributes 
> defined by the grammar.
> i.e.  <schema>, <template>, <call-template>, <for-each>, <element>, 
> <attribute> etc....
> Does it make any sense at all to allow these grammars itself to 
> support writing schemas/xslts etc in local languages.

this thread might be of interest for you, although it does not 
completely match your requirements:

it summarizes also the approach of the TEI for localizing names, see


Received on Saturday, 19 April 2008 01:27:44 UTC