Non-English languages in XSLT, XML Schema grammars


I had a question. Why is it that languages like XML Schema, XSLT etc allow
only English in the element and attribute names ?  I am not referring to the
content, but the actual elements and attributes defined by the grammar.
i.e.  <schema>, <template>, <call-template>, <for-each>, <element>,
<attribute> etc....
Does it make any sense at all to allow these grammars itself to support
writing schemas/xslts etc in local languages.

Any designer tool can then interpret the text as per the character encoding
specified in the document declaration and render it according to the
locale/language preferences.

I know I am missing something very fundamental.


Shift to the left, shift to the right!
Pop up, push down, byte, byte, byte!

-Ramkumar Menon
A typical Macroprocessor

Received on Friday, 18 April 2008 19:18:10 UTC