XML Schema form DTD

  can anyone know how to translate an ENTITY form DTD to XML Schema? I mean
a have a DTD something like:
<!DOCTYPE catalog [
	<!ELEMENT catalog (course)*>
   	<!ELEMENT course (name, duration,prerequisities,description)>
   	<!ATTLIST course code CDATA #REQUIRED>
   	<!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)>
   	<!ELEMENT duration (#PCDATA)>
   	<!ELEMENT prerequisities (#PCDATA)>
   	<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>
   	<!ENTITY tixml SYSTEM "tixml.xml">
	<!ENTITY exml SYSTEM "exml.xml">
	<!ENTITY xmlj SYSTEM "xmlj.xml">   

I have translated it using xmlSpy into a XML Schema but it seam to ignore
the <!ENTITY..> tag so I am not be able to refer to those external files
(tixml.xml, exml.xml, xmlj.xml) using the &.... syntax.
Thank you in advance


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