Carine Bournez
Chin Chee-Kai
David Booth
David Fallside
- Resolution of XMLP Rec Issue 17
- Resolution to Rec-Issue-17
- Re: XMLP issue 445 closed
- Comments on SOAP 1.2 Rec docs
- Fw: Bad link in specs [was: SOAP 1.1 w3c Recommendation ??]
Herve Ruellan
Jacek Kopecky
Martin Gudgin
- Resolution for Issue 446
- Resolution for issue 440
- RE: Resolution for Issue 440
- Resolution for Issue 440
- New MTOM Issue: SOAP processing model and Representation Header
- Re: Resolution for Issue 446
- RE: Resolution for Issue 440
- New MTOM & XOP Issue: what if the input contains a xop:include?