Re: The 'resource' identified by a namespace name URI should be the namespace

> Eg scenario: the namespace URI might tell us a bunch of authoritative
> stuff about some vocab, including digital signature related
> information that allows us to filter other statements we later
> discover, such that we know which of those subsequent statements were
> made by the namespace owner, and which were merely gossip.

If that is what you want to do, fine, but there will of course only
ever be a minority of documents that have any of those things at the
namespace URI. If you get a random XML file from somewhere then
if you dereference the namespace URI you will either get an error
or perhaps you'll be returned some data in some format that you have
no advance knowlege has anything to do with the namespace of the

So for the particular range of documents that you are specifying that
_do_ have "a bunch of authoritative stuff" then you are free to say
which namespace names you accept in those documents.
probably not relative ones, probably not mailto:, but whatever it is
it is up to you to specifiy, and whether or not relative URIs make
sense in that context isn't really an issue (in general, but of course
it is an issue for the person specifying your framework).


Received on Monday, 5 June 2000 13:34:26 UTC