Hello !

The following refers to

"XHTML-with-colour-coded-revision-indicators version"


Section A.1 Normative References
(id="sec-existing-stds") at the entry
"ISO/IEC 10646:2000" :

 - The revision-indicator "[E28]" is placed
   in the entry text within "ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000"
   but the actual change was done within
   the label of this entry (the text of this entry
   already was correct and NOT changed!).

Section 2.9 Standalone Document,
Declaration within "Validity constraint"
revision-indicator "[E36]":

Should the text of the link "normalization"
(to 'AVNormalize') realy be emphazised ? -
this not the usual case of named links !

Many Greetings


Received on Sunday, 30 November 2003 18:03:27 UTC